Darkness and Light...
Evil chaos spreads across the country after dark forces seize control, marking an end to religious liberty. Cities are soon rocked by violent lawlessness, while a massive drought, food shortages, and out-of-control wildfires plague the nation.
Amid this growing darkness, a light shines, revealing that God has not abandoned his people. Jimmy’s mission takes a dramatic turn as the time comes for God to speak to the nations once again through a powerful prophetic voice, with signs and wonders.
Fasten your seatbelt for Jimmy’s most soul-stirring ride yet!
EVIL ASCENDANT – DELIVERANCE is the exciting conclusion to the WITHIN & WITHOUT TIME series. It follows the adventures of a young man who finds himself in the center of God’s plan for the world at the end of the age. His journey reaches an epic pitch as Jesus -- the Lion of Judah uses this unlikely prophet to display His might against the rising forces of darkness.
Amid rising evil, God reveals a mighty Deliverance.