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Writer's pictureD.I.Hennessey

A new “want-to”

New Year’s prayer...


I am making a new commitment today—not a New Year’s resolution—but a new desire to place You where You always belong, first place in my life.

It’s not an aspiration to ‘be better’ – it’s a practical prayer. You deserve first place because of who you are and what you are: my Redeemer, Strength, and Confidence. The one in whom I trust.

Thank you that my relationship with You doesn’t depend on my performance but upon Your presence in my life. I don’t have to be perfect! You’ve already made me acceptable in Your sight.

As I start a new year, I rest gratefully in knowing that You have covered my past, present, and future sins and mistakes. In You, I am complete, Lord. Help me to accept my faults and make Your Word my mirror. Let me reflect You each day in simple ways that show me and others what Your heart is like.

As I end one year and begin another, it’s time to lay down my broken armor, rusty tools, self-defenses, and every excuse I’ve used for not living victoriously. Free me from wrong expectations, and fill my heart, soul, and mind with thoughts and actions that are praiseworthy. Exchange my past disappointments for Your divine appointments this year. Give me enough wisdom to make choices that honor You, and enough love to see others as You see them. Renew the gifts and abilities You’ve so generously given me so I can bless others as You’ve blessed me. My life is Yours; my work, talents, resources, and relationships belong to You.

Lord, put a new “want-to” in my life and in my heart. And as the calendar turns another page in this brand new year, let me want more than ever to live it for You.


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