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Writer's pictureD.I.Hennessey


As we lose ourselves in daily life, it’s easy to forget that the Christian life is a life of warfare. As Redeemed Believers, we’ve been conscripted into God’s army and equipped with armor and weapons of immense power. That's good since we face mortal enemies who do not rest in their attacks. These are unseen spiritual enemies.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:12

In this battle, we are not defenseless... or undefended.

We are assisted by armies of Heaven, and God Himself fights for us. We can be sure that these declarations of protection are not empty promises and nor are they unwarranted. We never know how big a spiritual battle is happening around us at any time. It is not a stretch to say that it is a demonstration of God's intervening mercy and grace that allows us to wake up every morning knowing that He has won the victory in the night again. During our greatest vulnerability -- even when we feel we don't deserve His protection, God continues to send His angels to protect us.

King David trusted God with his life.

Despite our enemy's relentless attacks, we have no cause for fear. David knew that God was winning victory after victory for him and acknowledged His loving-kindness every morning.

We can hold to the same truth that David did. Our never-resting God makes the mornings bright, refreshing, and renewing for us. The same God who is with us all during the night of our vulnerability, shielding us from anything that can harm our soul, is the one who lovingly wakes us up in the morning.

God never abandons his work or changes his mind.

We can be tempted to think there are moments when we deserve to have God withdraw His defense of us. We can remember that the One who died on the cross to take the penalty for our sins is the same God who sees us for who and what we are and loves us immeasurably. On the day that He saved us, He already knew about every failure and bad choice we’d ever make, and He saved us anyway – there is no new information that we can surprise him with that would make him change his mind about us now.

We can trust Him to keep us eternally and immeasurably safe.

To Him, we can entrust our life!

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