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What Happened on Christmas?

For many, Christmas comes this year amidst upheaval, crisis, trouble, or terror. In that context, the Christmas message of hope, goodwill, love, and cheer can seem distant and irrelevant.

The message of Christmas has been terribly misunderstood for many years. Some think of it only in terms of business profits, gifts, toys, lights, and celebrations. Others think only of the historical Bethlehem, with its star, shepherds, and wise men. Many cynically ask, “Where is this Prince of Peace who is supposed to have come to earth?”

The real message of Christmas that has been lost by much of the world is more profound than any we could imagine. It heralds the entrance of God into human history; it was nothing less than Heaven’s eternal glory descending to Earth. It is an event that stands as a beacon in eternity that continues to proclaim the most amazing news ever heard.

“It is as though a trumpeter had taken his stand upon the turrets of time and announced to a despairing, hopeless, and frustrated world the coming of the Prince of Peace.” ~ Billy Graham

On that first Christmas night, angels announced to fearful shepherds, “Fear not, I bring you good news” (Luke 2). This is the true meaning of Christmasthe Good News—that God sent His only Son to Earth to save people from their sins. He took human form to save a humanity that was lost and without hope.

Christmas is not a myth, not a tradition, not a dream—it is a glorious reality. It’s the reality that God committed the most outrageous act of all time – a revolutionary act. He broke the barrier between Heaven and Earth, tore the veil between God and Man, proclaimed deliverance to captives, and the restoration of sight to people who are spiritually blind!

“Jesus did not come into this world to make bad people good. He came to make dead people live.” ~ Ravi Zacharias

Billy Graham said that the message of Christmas could be summed up in three words: a cradle, a cross, and a crown. Jesus came… He died in our place… and He rose victoriously to reign for all eternity.

His coming changed Heaven and Earth forever by opening Heaven to lost outcasts. He brought the antidote for sin to a sin-plagued world. By taking our punishment, He forever changed the destinies of countless souls. The gift that God gave on that first Christmas transforms His enemies into friends, Prodigals into Sons and Daughters, and sinners into Citizens of Heaven.

Thanks to Christmas, as His redeemed bride, no voice can ever bid us depart from His glorious Heaven for as long as He reigns – and of His kingdom, there shall be no end!

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